How to use the PSP Store

Download content without the need of a PlayStation 3

Sony's newly launched PSP Store, enables owners of Sony's handheld to purchase and download games, trailers, demos and more.

Previously the service was only available through the PlayStation 3 but this latest version introduces the possibility of access to content via your PC.

After the service's arrival, a number of readers got in touch enquiring about how to use the site. We obviously aim to please here at Pocket Gamer, so for them (and anyone else who was too shy to ask), we walk you through the steps involved below. It's all quick, straightforward stuff, as you'll see.

Create PlayStation Network account

While you can browse the PSP Store at any time, you won't be able to access any of its content without logging in. And you won't be able to do that if you don't have a PlayStation Network account. So you'll need to create and verify such a PSN account.

Fear not, this can be achieved here.

Set up the PSN Downloader

Download the PlayStation Network Downloader. This enables you to pull content straight onto a PSP connected to your PC. It's available here.

Once it has downloaded, install the software on your PC. Note that the installation wizard can take a solid 15 minutes on Vista.

Access the PSN Store

Once you've created an account, you're ready to access the new PlayStation Store.

1. Open in your browser of choice.
2. Select your region.
3. Click sign in and enter your PSN account details, as set up in Stage 01.
4. Ensure you have a Memory Stick in your PSP.
5. Connect your PSP to your PC via a USB Cable, it should appear as a drive on your PC.
6. Select Settings USB Connection on the PSP.

Make a purchase

You can now download a product from the store to your PSP.

1. Select a product.
2. Click Download.
3. A download window opens; select 'Open with PlayStation Network Downloader'.

Download content
The PlayStation Network Downloader automatically opens and downloads the content to your PSP. A progress bar is provided and you're informed when it is complete.

Play game on your PSP

You can now disconnect the PSP and play your purchase:

1. Press Circle to exit the Settings USB Connection screen.
2. Select Game Memory Stick and press X.
3. Browse to and start your purchased game.

It's that easy. Obviously this is the same procedure regardless of the content you wish to obtain from the PSP Store.


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How to get started with PSP's Go!View

A step-by-step guide to Sony's TV-on-Demand service for your PSP

Set up with Sky, Go!View is Sony's TV-on-Demand service for PSP. It's currently only available for users in the UK and Ireland, although in time deals will be set up with other European partners for other countries.

The basic system requirements are a PC running WinXP, Internet Explorer v6.0+ and Adobe Flash v9.0+. You'll also need a decent broadband internet connection and 3GB of free disk space on your PC. In terms of your PSP, at least 1GB of free space on your Memory Stick is recommended, and you'll also need a USB cable.

The main focus of the service is monthly subscription packages for access to TV from the likes of Sky, the BBC and National Geographic.

TV packages are £5 per month for one pack, £8 for two, and £10 for three. The current packs are Entertainment (including Hustle, Scrubs, Weeds, Spocks, Battlestar Galactica), Comedy (including Little Britain, League of Gentlemen, Red Dwarf, Alan Partridge), and Sports (er, some old sports stuff).

Movies range from £3.50 for Eastern Promises, Michael Clayton and Wedding Daze to £2.50 for Snatch, Men in Black, ET and The Way of the Dragon. Presumably these will be updated over time.

But how to get your hands on such goodies? Well, check out the following 14 straightforward steps.

Step-by-step with PSP's Go!View

Step 1: Registration


You'll first have to go to the Go!View website. Also check out the basic system requirements as previously discussed.

Step 2: Personal details


You'll need a unique username, plus your password needs to be between seven and 20 characters. You'll also have to choose a four-digit PIN number.

Step 3: Download the PC client


Once you've successfully registered, you should download the Go!View PC client software. You don't have to do this immediately. You can start to view the available TV content but it makes sense to take things step-by-step, right?

Step 4: Downloading the PC client


The Go!View PC client exe is 14.3MB. Put it somewhere obvious, like the desktop.

Step 5: Error #1


Because of the tough requirements, you might come across error messages when trying to install the Go!View PC client.

We had to upgrade our Windows Media Player to version 11 (for DRM reasons). You might also have to upgrade your version of Flash or .NET Framework (how geeky!).

Don't worry, though, because these are relatively painless processes. Just follow the prompts.

Step 6: Launch the client


Once you've installed the Go!View PC client, you can launch the Flash-based application. It will also create a shortcut for your desktop and will add itself to your start-up tasklist.

Step 7: Pricing


There's no point going through this process if you're not prepared to enter your credit or debit card details.

Although there's an offer where you get a free first month's subscription, you'll still have to enter your card details to gain access.

Step 8: Download your programme


Downloading content is a slightly complex process because you have to download to your PC.

Here we're downloading the first episode of Scrubs Series 3. It's 24 minutes long and the PSP-formatted file is 148MB.

Step 9: My Library


Once content is downloaded to your PC, it can be viewed in your library.

Using the Window Media Player DRM, content has a 29-day expiry date and you can transfer it three times to your PSP.

Step 10: Error #2


To transfer to your PSP, you have to connect your PSP to your PC using a USB cable. You can't just do it using your Memory Stick. That's wrong.

Step 11: Error #3


Your PSP must also be running the most up-to date firmware version (4.05 at this time).

You can either do this via your PC or directly download it using your PSP's Network Update option.

Step 12: Transfer


Once you've sorted out these errors, you can transfer content from your PC to your PSP. Of course, you'll have to select the USB Connection option on your PSP.

As you can see, we've only got 227MB free on our Memory Stick but that's okay as one episode of Scrubs is only 148MB.

So we can tick the item box and then click on the Continue button.

Step 13: Transfer completed


The transfer to PSP is obviously much quicker than the download but what's significant to notice is the DRM means you have less time to watch your content once it's on the PSP: in this case the 'PSP view window' is 13 days and 23 hours.

Step 14: Finally on PSP


And there it finally is on our PSP.

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Download PSP Games Or Buy PSP Games...J scott

The obvious reason to download psp games is that it can save a PSP owner lots of money by downloading a game instead of buying a game. This can really save a PSP gamer some serious money, but the trick is to find a safe, legal and reliable PSP download site. Most PSP gamers will go to their favorite search engine and type in "download PSP games" and click on the first available website. My suggestion to you is, be careful. Some of these sites are not as advertised and can cause more harm than what it is worth.

Another good reason to download PSP games is that this gives a PSP gamer an opportunity to try out a game before they buy. That is typically what I would do, is if I download a PSP game and find that I really like it, I will go to the store and buy the PSP games, so I can free up valuable space on my PSP memory stick for other great things, such as movies, music, and themes. Also, if you find the right PSP download site, you can get a ton of extras that you might not expect. I was able to get a ROM download, that allowed me to play other game system games right from my PSP memory stick. Also, on the say PSP download website, I was able to Convert DVDs to PSP and Music to PSP.

Buy PSP Games

The main reason to buy a PSP game instead of downloading is that if you have already downloaded it and think that you will continue to play the game, just buy it, so you can free up space on your PSP memory stick. The great thing now when you buy a PSP game is that you know you like it and will play it and it does not turn into a wasted money.


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3 Easy Steps to Setting Up PSP Internet...James Rines

Most people use the PSP to enjoy gaming pleasure and interactive media like viewing photos, videos and listening to music. Well there are things that you didn't know about what the PSP can really do. Yes, one of them is getting yourself to the internet on PSP.

Although PSP does not have a keyboard, it uses typing word per word. It may feel uncomfortable or troublesome at first, but as you are use to it, it'll be as easy as sending message on a mobile phone. Now there are portable keyboard which uses USB to connect to your PSP.

Here's the 3 steps to setting up PSP to the internet:

Enable Wi-Fi Connectivity: You can find the Wi-Fi at the left (Fat PSP) or on top (PSP 2000) of your PSP. A Wi-Fi enables device such as the PSP to connect to the internet within range of a wireless network. In order to gain access to the internet, you need to go to a place where there is Wi-Fi hotspot such as restaurants, hotels, airports, library or even your own home. Take note that Wi-Fi network have a maximum range of a few thousand feet.

Network Setup: Go to the network setting and select infrastructure mode. Create a new connection and enter your desired connection name. After typing your name, in the WLAN settings select 'scan' and choose your Wi-Fi network SSID from available list of network. Enter Wi-Fi security settings if applicable then confirm your settings and test your connection.

Open Internet Browser: After you have tested your connection and succeeded, go back to the main menu and head down to the internet browser on your PSP and you're ready to surf.

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